In 2019, a lockdown baby was born
in the shape of a salmon costume,
the parent (maker) was Skye Turner.
Salmons, the opposites of clowns,
enact with perfection their purpose.
Turner performed mundane human
tasks in this costume, and eventually
thought little more of it.
In the Summer of 2023,
Turner determined to end the life
of Sockeye the Salmon Costume
and Biped offered to give it Honour
and take the salmon upstream,
back to the natal spring of its kind,
up the Avon, up the Wye, to die.

Armed with
the Salmon Robe
a Mandrake Charm
several Log Books
a Dictaphone
a Good Knife
an Adequate Hammock
Gaffer Tape
Epoxy Glue
Biped departed upstream.

Each day a fin was shed and left:
an arrow to the natal stream.
Challenges; Jokes to the Universe;
Field Notes; Votives; Grit.
Until the Final Day, on which
Skye Turner rejoined Biped,
and we together burned
what was left of Sockeye.
After Ends comes consecration
which we did, together, at
the Sainsbury Centre in Norwich,
in the guise of a batshit play.